Mould removal with vinegar. If the issue is condensation then consistent heat and ventilation are key. Black Mould Removal The Right Way Poor ventilation and bad habits lead to damp coming from inside your home. How to get rid of damp patches on ceilings . Before you consider painting the brown spots to cover the unpleasant-to-look site you should first know the cause. Then spray the product on the walls and ceilings and leave it to act for 20 minutes. Make sure the root cause of your water leak is fixed its always best to get an expert in to advise on. Then spray the product on the walls and ceilings and leave it to act for 20 minutes. How to get rid of damp. The best way to prevent it from building up is to keep the room well ventilated by opening a window or switching on the extraction fan every time you shower or bathe. Treating the walls is a big part of clearing a damp problem but it is even more important to handle the underlying cause too. Position it in a...